Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Happy Birthday

I got a hookah for my birthday last year, then I got pregnant. I wasn't able to smoke but I was excited to try it out. Last weekend I got some friends together to smoke with me. We used Banana flavored tobacco or Banana Shisha. It took us two tries to get the shisha to burn well enough for us to smoke. My friend didn't have a gas stove so we had to light the charcoal with a lighter while holding it with thongs. Using a gas stove is much easier. I read up on different recipes for the hookah water this week. It would have been interesting to use chocolate liquor instead of water in the hookah base. Once the Shisha was burning it well it was nice just sit around smoking and doing some girl talk out on my friend's patio. I'm having the girls over this weekend to smoke at my house. A friend is bringing her hookah up from Maryland. She has a carrying case for it, which makes her much more fancy than me, since I carry mine around in a pillow case. You have to carry them in something if they are glass so they don't break. Mine is brass so I wasn't afraid of it breaking I just didn't want to arose any suspicion. The hookah could be confused with a bong I guess. I'll post pictures of my weekend hookah time once I get them.

1 comment:

Thunder Bay My Home said...

How to homemake Flavor tobacco

If you dump 200ml dried tobacco.
Go , type enter 25% of 200ml. Google search tell you 50ml.

30% 200ml Dried Tobacco
25% Honey (50ml)
25% Glycerin (50ml)
20% Flavor (40ml)